Framed Sculpture

Framed sculpture project was born in order to liberate myself from the dilemma of working on functional objects.

When I started this project in 2012, the majority of ceramic sculptures I recognized were free standing/installation base which allows audience to have multiple viewing. 

I wanted my work to be viewed differently, so I opted to go for wall piece that would have a fixed viewpoint just like watching paintings.

Slip-casting technique, which I have been using for creating my tableware, is also being applied to this project so as to create hollow body of the sculpture. This minimizes the sculpture’s weight and enables me to play with a sort of “inside-ness” when I cut open some parts of the sculpture’s body.

In addition to my work’s fundamental inspiration that mainly comes from microscopic world, I am also strongly drawn by the abstract modern paintings, especially the compositional works of Paul Klee, Victor Pasmore and Frits Hundertwasser.

Recently, I have been incorporating some additional materials. These include coiled telephone cables and metal wires. I select them carefully. It is my intention that they aesthetically suit the porcelain sculpture’s form.

more works can be seen @ Instagram


Golden Pearl


Free standing sculpture