Collect 2022 at Somerset House

Many thanks for who visited “Collect Art Fair” at Somerset House!

My new antique project works were displayed at Cavaliero Finn’s stand.

I created….

  • Abacus

  • Racket Shelf

  • Hanger

  • Ruler

  • Spoons

  • Farming tools


The concept of my antique project is the following…

The project derives from a concept of what can be possibly incorporated into ceramic forms, with which the idea had come up while I was working on my wall piece sculptures.

I came across these antique items at some point, and found their design and structure absolutely fascinating as well as finding the possibility of matching up with the texture of porcelain.

The difference between this project and all my other projects is that, rather than creating objects from total imagination, it starts with confrontation with the object, and then you have to think how to cook it.

And also this could be a collaborative work between myself and the artisans whoever had created these beautiful tools and objects long time ago. (whether he or she approves what I am going to do with it or not)

spoon and ruler

Please visit Cavaliero Finn website for the details.

Spoon L

IKUKO Iwamoto

Japanese Artist based in London

HOP2022 exhibition


Future Icons presents Burlington Arcade