Give-Away campaign!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Christmas / New year present from “IKUKO-blog”!

If you are following my Instagram, YouTube channelIKUKO 100” and my new IKUKO blog, and leave a comment on this post, then I will choose 14 people to present the following pieces!

Please follow or subscribe…

these 3!!!

1. Instagram

2. IKUKO 100 YouTube

3. IKUKO-blog

1st prize This Spiky Beaker B

( for 1 person)

2nd prize A Milk Jug

(for 3 people)

*the design may differ from the one with the photo

3rd prize 2 Ants plates

(for 10 people)

Please leave a comment here on my IKUKO-blog by 9am on 5th January to apply these prize!

***Don’t forget to follow Instagram, YouTube and this blog! 

If you don't follow these, you don't have the right to participate in this give-away raffle.******

Winners will be announced on the blog on January 7th.

Good luck!!!

Happy new year!!!

IKUKO Iwamoto

Japanese Artist based in London

The winners of give-away campaign!


How to create a teapot/ model making